Friday, 7 November 2014

What's new?

It would appear that I've somewhat neglected this blog (hint hint the three and a half month gap between posts).

So what's new?

I've started my second year at university. Yes, I somehow survived a year living away from home, thanks to my housemates and copious amounts of food. It's terrifying to think that in a year hand a half or so I'll have graduated and will (hopefully) have nabbed a job as a designer.

Everyone is spending much more time working in the department on projects, which I quite like since it's a more productive working environment and everyone can help one another out.
There's been an obvious step up in terms of workload, and the pressure's definitely on. Which brings me swiftly onto...

I've started trying to handle my worrying and anxiety. It's obvious that I'm a worrier, but a few weeks ago I finally acknowledge that the way I often feel, combined with the thoughts I experience are neither something other people seem to be experiencing regularly, nor are they healthy.

So I decided to start taking steps to rein my worry in again. When things got too much a few weeks ago my first decision was to go to my university's counselling service and then take steps from there. I'd advise anyone to take whatever resources are at their disposal and get the most out of them, particularly is you're at uni as these are usually free and readily available.

I'm working on a personal blog. Tiny Little Victory is my new personal blog, where I'm planning to shift more of the food, music and life-related posts to. It's a working progress and needs a lot of work in terms of layout but it'll get there. I'll also be sharing my experiences handling stress and anxiety and hopefully be passing on some decent advice.

That's all for now! There'll hopefully be some more design-related stuff in the very near future

What has everyone been up to over the summer?

Sunday, 24 August 2014


In progress!

Let's try to do this without sounding like a bit of a twat shall we?

I'm Kit Lane, a second year BA Graphic Communication student currently studying at the University of Reading. 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Elsewhere on the Interweb

I've seen some neat little posts around elsewhere on the interweb, where blog authors share some of the cool things they've found while perusing (One Sheepish Girl's The Blush List is probably my favourite). So I thought, 'I spend a pretty obscene amount of time online. I occasionally find some cool things (in my opinion anyways), let's give this a go'.

And thus, here is my collection of coolish crap I've found laying around online. Hope you enjoy!

5 Questions for 100 Designers
This rather insightful blog popped up on my twitter feed via Pentagram Design. The clue really is in the name; 100 designers will eventually have the same five questions in a mirco-interview.

Also, Bickford-Smith's Clothbound Classics for Penguin are stunning! (And plus she's an alumna of my uni, which is even cooler!)

Little Lightning Lamp

This little lightning lamp is nothing short of gorgeous in its gloominess. And that's coming from someone who spent the first 13 years of their life hiding from thunderstorms behind the sofa.You can read a little bit more about the lamp and the chap who designed it here

Monday, 30 June 2014

What's in the pencil case?

There have been quite a few posts kicking around showing the contents of people's bags, which I absolutely adore since I'm always a little nosey curious as to what people consider everyday essentials.

But I thought, 'hang on, I can give this my own little spin!'.

There's a running joke between me and my mum about the size of the pencil case I use. It is HUGE! It's not even a pencil case, it's a makeup bag that I won in a party game a couple of years ago, and has gradually found its one true purpose as a penholder.