Sunday, 8 February 2015

Hand in Hand

Three of the things I love more than anything are music, language (you know, words and all that malarkey) and of course, typography. It goes without saying really that the thing I doodle more than anything else is is song lyrics -- give me a piece of paper and pretty quickly it'll be smothered with whatever's stuck in my head that day. 

It's pretty rare though that anything ever makes it past the doodle stage. So, while desperately trying to come up with a new project with myself, an opportunity cropped up in the shape of a song I've pretty much had on repeat for the last few days. 

Winter Term: GoTo Events App

Unbelievably, we're already about to start week 5 of our second term of our second year of uni. Scarily, this means we've just passed the halfway point in our degrees, and time only seems to be moving more and more quickly! So with time slipping by, (and while I'm struggling to come to terms with using Behance) I thought I'd share a few projects from last term.

Events App
GoTo was designed as an app offering events such as conferences and workshops to designers, and most importantly tailoring the selection on offer to the user's preferences.